Saturday, February 25, 2012

Wonders of Social Media

I started using Twitter just over a year ago and never dreamed it would become to communicate in so many ways. I got it because we used it at work and figured I should know how to use it well enough to be effective.

Here's a few things I have used it for in the past couple months:

Finding a job posting. One of the marketing agencies I was interested in, MindFire Communications, listed their job opening by sending out a Tweet. I saw it and was able to apply. There is also a Twitter account that is specifically for MBA hiring and lists 5-10 job or hiring tips daily.

Additionally, I have been able to connect with different marketing agencies and potential employers. Many of them use Twitter, some more than others, but it is a way to stay up on current events in their company or start a conversation with them.

I have used it to send messages to people, like Central College's President Putnam. I sent him a Tweet the day my dad and sister went down for Scholarship Day, telling him to convice her. He responded within 30 minutes telling me he was 'on it'. He ran into my dad at one of the day's events and after introducing himself, goes to my dad "Your Sara's dad, aren't you? I talked with her this morning." According, to my dad, who freaked out slightly because of his lack of what Twitter is, it was kind of cool.

Communication with Twitter is key with my Rockets team. All 10 of the 17-year-olds use Twitter constantly, so I used that to my advantage. They do not check e-mail so responses fromt their are unheard of, so I went to where they are. We have a team Twitter account that I send out reminders and quotes on. It's worked pretty slick.

Updates on sporting events or news are also handy. I don't watch or read the news that often (probably should). But when a headline comes through Twitter that looks important, I read it.

Finally, Twitter's free marketing is nice. Especially, for what I want to go in to. The use of it is becoming more important. It gives smaller (bigger, too) organizations a way to connect to customer bases with much cost, just the effort to maintain it. I suggested some marketing ideas for Greg's cousin's videography business and Twitter was one of them, she has done an awesome job with it and I think it is helping her connect with other local organizations and potential partners of her business. Check it out:!/VisualitiesV & additionally, once she reaches 300 fans on Facebook a giftcard is being given away!

Oh the wonders of social media, they can't be left alone, but they can be used wrong. It's a fine line but a very powerful tool in the marketing world.