Sunday, February 22, 2015

Commuter Life

I have almost 6 months in as a commuter & it's not bad, but it's not my favorite thing. Snow storms & cold weather don't make me happy on my commute, but sometimes that 20 minutes alone after a long day is relaxing, I turn off the radio & drive in silence. It gives me a chance to regroup before getting home.

  • I have learned the the last minute I can leave my house & still make it to work at 8. 7:36 is my daily goal.
  • I have learned if I don't get out of the door, along with not getting to work by 8am I will also be stuck behind the school bus going down the main road in Waverly & making many stops. 
  • I have learned that Kwik Star's weekly gas text saves me 7 cents off a gallon of gas & has amounted to a decent savings in the last 6 months.
  • I have learned that if I fill up every Friday at lunch, I will have enough for the next week & don't have to worry about that day I am running late & also running on 'E'.
  • I have learned to pack a lunch. This helps reduce my costs & fast food intake, as well as reduce my impulse shopping over the lunch hour.
  • I have learned that Bluetooth is great. I have it turned on on my phone which then stays in my purse or center console which then assists with preventing me from the temptation to look at a text.
  • I have learned the shortcuts through Waverly that can get me to the south side a bit quicker, however this shortcut was put to a stop when the city closed the historic 'Green Bridge' until it meets inspector requirements for safety. (Now, I am questioning my life as I drove over it nearly 2 times a day for 6 months & thankful I am here).
  • I have learned Carnation Instant breakfast thrown into a waterbottle with milk & shaken makes a quick breakfast on the go. But when feeling like I have a bit more time it goes in a blender with yogurt, banana & milk for a delicious smoothie. Strawberry & milk chocolate are my go-tos.
  • I have learned that some people are awful drivers, don't use cruise control, lights when it is foggy or drive in the left lane going slower than the right. 
I am sure I will have more, but that is what I have learned about driving 24 miles each way everyday vs. my 1.5 miles each way everyday.

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