Wednesday, January 16, 2019

I am Beyond Grateful

I am beyond grateful that I have 2 happy and healthy children.

I am beyond grateful we are able to support them.

I am beyond grateful I was able to spend 12 weeks home with my 2nd.

I am beyond grateful for the job I have and co-workers I have. 

I am beyond grateful for my family.

I am beyond grateful for the relationships I have with my siblings. 


This is list could continue, but that's not really information you need to know, but it does lay the groundwork for creating a positive mindset. 

I think far too often we start to focus on the negative and forget what we have. While I could be sad that other pregnancies ended in miscarriage or stressed by the poorer relationships in my life. I have chosen to find the good. 

Mental health is so vital in your life & relationships that you can't just let it go. The longer you neglect it the further you get buried and fighting out of it is hard. I have been in that low spot and I don't want to go back. There are times it rears it's ugly head and I have let it slip back in, but I don't like the feeling afterwards. Being able to see the good in the situation or looking at the other side of a situation will change your mindset. Don't just look for the negatives or what ifs. Think about the positives and look at the future. You can't change your past, you can't focus on your regrets - these do nothing for you. BE PRESENT.

I am not saying this is 100% my mindset these days, because it's not. It's a daily battle, but man, when I can embrace it, my outlook is better & mood is happier. 

If you want to work on your mental health, I will happily support you and join you on your journey. I challenge you to start small - every night before you fall asleep remind yourself of a few things you are grateful for that day. 

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