Friday, September 10, 2010

Book Review: The Wedding

Yep, I have finished another book. It would seem from my postings that all I do is go on adventures and read.....not a bad life huh? The Wedding is the first Nicholas Sparks book I have read in over a year. It is also one that got thrown into my stuff in my rush to pack, because Jodee so graciously helped me pack and was in charge of books. So I finally read it and it was great, because it was less predictable than the last one I read. I didn't suspect the surprise that happens in the last 10 pages. So I highly suggest you don't give up on it before you get there...and DO NOT read ahead either!

This book is the follow-up to The Notebook, however after seeing the movie a thousand times in my life I decided not to read it before. I also hate the differences between movies and books and chose not to put myself through the stress of the differences. Noah is still alive in this book and has almost reached the age of 90, while still doing well for his age he is slowing down. One thing that stuck with me was everytime Wilson, his son-in-law, visited him he asked, "You doing okay?" Noah always responded with "Could be better, Could be worse, though, too."

I found that little saying so true. We get ourselves to a point in our lives where we think nothing else can go wrong because it's already so bad. But is it really? Your view on life is a mindset, you have to see it through a positive lens! Choose to see the good and not dwell on the bad! As I ran through the streets of Forest Grove I thought about this saying quite a bit today and decided, Life is truely what you make it, sure it could always get worse, but you're alive and free, why complain?

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