Sunday, September 26, 2010

My Mom Rocks!

Even from 2,000 miles away my mom can bail me out!

After our women's home game on Saturday I headed to an outlet mall with my roommates. I had my computer packed because I knew I'd be finding another wireless cafe to write my men's soccer story later.

We visited a couple stores and I called up a cafe to check if they had wireless and then headed there way. Upon ordering my drink I found a table near a plug-in only to discover I was missing my power cord. This wouldn't be a problem for most laptops, because they can run on battery. However, my battery has about a 5 minute lifespan and I refuse to buy a new one. But in this situation it was a gut-wrenching experience. Should I just wait until we are back home in 4 hours to write a story or should I find an alternative plan?

Well I hate when game stories are posted hours after a match, so I knew I needed to find an alternative. MY MOM. I called her up and she logged on to my e-mail and read me the box score, which was a challenge considering she has never seen a soccer box score before....not sure if she has seen a complete game either!

So after receiving limited box score info from her, I hand wrote a story. After completing it I text her the entire story! She then typed it and sent me an e-mail with the story and the headshot I needed to post it. I quickly logged on to my computer went straight for the website to post the story and my e-mail and posted it!

It was amazing that my battery died about a minute after posting, but it was up! I was so relieved to have an awesome mom who can help me from 2,000 miles away. Love you Mom!

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