Saturday, February 19, 2011

GMAT Is Over

After a month a studying, the test is over and I have met my goal. Thank goodness, because paying to retake it was not an option and that would have cause too much stress!

Anyway, I headed into Beaverton on Wednesday morning for the exam. Once at the test center you have to wait in line to have your palms scanned, picture taken and sign electronically. Then prove your pockets and hood are empty, you can't wear a watch or anything on your wrists and you have to show that nothing is written on your arms. Then to enter the computer/test area you must scan your palm and show you ID. Then you can finally sit down for the test.

I was assigned to 12B, a.k.a 13, but evidently they avoid the 'unlucky' number at the test centers because the locker was also labeled 12B. I don't know what idiot wouldn't realize they are actually at 13, but if it makes them feel better to think of it as 12B, then so be it.

The test involves two essays in the beginning and then a quantitative section and a verbal section. Between the each of the three sections you get a five minute break. I made it through the essays and quantitative section before taking my break. Which to leave I had to scan my palm and then to get back in I had to do it again! I then sat for the verbal section and finished in about 3 hours, for what could be a 4 hour test.

As I left, I had to scan my palm yet again (the process, kind of annoyed me), and I was given an unofficial test score of 600. Exactly my goal for the test and either at average or above average for the schools I am looking at. I was very happy with the results, but surprised my verbal section was higher than my quantitative. Being a math teachers daughter has always helped my math, but I guess studying the verbal section more actually helped a lot.

To celebrate I hit up Panera for lunch, then headed back home to relax before a celebration dinner with my roommates and a few friends and of course a dessert of a new flavor of Tillamook ice cream.

I am now moving on to filling out graduate school applications, which may take a bit because I am not too excited to write the personal statements. Oh well. The position that I was hoping for at ISU has hit a wall, I was utterly disappointed when I was called last week to be told it was going to be opened this year. But I focused on the test and I am searching for a new options. I know it will work out.

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