Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Emotional Rollercoaster

There are times in life you want to be selfish, to only think about yourself, because it's your day. In these times, God takes the chance to ground you and remind you there are others around you.

About 3 months before my wedding, I randomly called my grandma to tell her I was able to buy the shoes I wanted so badly for my wedding. Only to find out that she was heading out to follow the ambulance with my grandpa in it to Mason City. From there time blurs together, with trips to the hospital in Mason City, Spencer & the nursing home in Greene. Every chance I had to be at home also meant a trip to go sit with my grandpa, either to chat or watch a baseball game. Wedding tasks got pushed back and I was fine with that. Sure, I wanted it all to come together 'perfectly', but a new meaning to perfectly was created.

Greg and I spent Easter in Spencer mainly at the hospital & helping my grandma pack their house up and also get her wedding outfit figured out. Weeks before the wedding, he was moved to the nursing home, which we quickly decked out to make as homey as we could and I was hopeful we were on the path to improvements. Just a week before my wedding, I came to the realization that my grandpa would not be in attendance to my wedding. So began the brainstorms to how we could bring the wedding to him. Even days before the wedding we didn't know if he would be at the nursing home or hospital, but the limo driver was on board to take us where ever. The nail appointments were switched to Mason City, so I could stop and see him. Finding out the day before the wedding he would stay at the hospital during the wedding, I quickly came up with the plan to visit him after getting my hair done & before pictures. After early morning appointments, Leah & I drove to Mason City, snuck into an unused room & threw on our dresses so we could have a photo session with him. The smile we saw on his face was a great way to remember him.

Turns out they had discussed putting Grandpa on hospice, but decided to hold out until the day after the wedding and that's when they told me as well. The 2 days following the wedding I spent with my grandpa at the hospital, every time a nurse came in they'd ask if I were the bride and then say something about the situation, all I wanted to say 'was trust me there is no where else I'd rather be right now'. I spent my last day before heading back to work having a good conversation with Grandpa, gave him some wedding cake & introduced him to a caramel latte. And most importantly, I got his wedding advice. After 66 years of marriage, he said to me the best advice he could give me was 'Love your mate & believe in God'.

2 days later he passed away. I know, he had held on long enough to see me and let me celebrate my day. And I am beyond grateful that I was able to see him before and have him be a part of it. But now I know he has completed his journey on Earth and his at home with God watching over me. 

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