Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Life Keeps Moving

Flying home from Oakland, I was miserable because my ears were popping horribly. I was starting to get congested on Sunday morning but that ramped up once the flight took off. After landing I could hear virtually nothing and it hurt, but after doing every ear popping idea in the book I could hear mildly again.

Monday came too quickly and I definitely had a cold and was starting to lose my voice. Tuesday my commitments as an Athena Volleyball Academy coach started. So I worked all day and then coached from 6-10 in Beaverton making it home around 11. My voice was not good and the cold was still there. Wednesday was another practice day but luckily I got a short nap in before practice because it was only from 8-10, but this time I did lose my voice by the end of practice. Thursday was another long day with work and practice from 6-10 and my head coach was gone at 18s practice so I had to run it by myself. I don't think my scratchy-hardly-there voice was taken seriously, but I sure tried! Friday things were starting to improve and Saturday I could talk again!

What I find funny about all of this is: normally I would get more sleep and rest when I am sick, but this week I got less. So I would highly recommend water, orange juice, Airborne
(which I used early in the week) and the Target brand zinc drops (I got in place of Airborne later in the week). They must have been awesome because I made it through a winter cold with lack of sleep!

In other news:
My parents sent me a package this week had ornaments in it, that at the time I thought I was going to have to pin to the wall because we had decided not to get a tree. But little did I know that the a day later a tree was delivered from my mom. So now we have a 3 foot tree complete with Iowa State and snowflake ornaments and a star!

Also as I was listening to my sister's game on the radio on Saturday she got hurt. The radio announcer says: 'Mouw's down on the floor, I think she may have chipped her tooth. The trainers are coming out to take care of her. We are going to take a radio break." At this point, I freak. Why are there trainers out there, cause if it was her tooth she could walk off on her own account and she would! So I call my mom immediately, she answers and tells me she can't talk she's got to go help Leah. WHAT? I am now pacing in my office at work where I was listening to it. So I call my grandma, dad and Daniel to get an update. Daniel so rudely hangs up on me because he isn't at the game and no else answers. The radio announcer finally comes on again and says "Mouw has left the gym, I don't think we will see her the rest of the night. There was a large amount of blood on the floor where she fell." WHAT? My mom finally calls me, she is on the way to the hospital with Leah. She had bitten through her cheek and had to get stitches. Can't wait to see them in a week!

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