Thursday, March 17, 2011

New Pacific Website

At work we have been focused on website migration pretty much since I got back after Christmas break. The plan was to update the website to a more easily accessible website for those who work on it (me & my boss) and to make it standout to prospective student-athletes. The design was done by a company, but all the data had to uploaded from the old site to the new site and it took a long while. Three of us worked on it over the last 2.5 months to get it loaded and yesterday was the official launch date. There are many new additions including getting to add action shots to game stories, video to the pages and fun facts about Pacific athletics. However, I am not thrilled about having a headshot up there now..

So, it is now live and yes there are still several things we will be tweaking and several things I have noticed that aren't linked right. But it is a major step up from what we had and I think it looks sharp, so check it out:

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