Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Name Changing

So, if planning a wedding isn't stressful enough, when it's over you have to go through the name changing process. Everywhere has different rules & you have to get this before you get's a very annoying process, but you live on...with some name or another. However, in my case, I am adding an apostrophe too & that has been grueling. As I was warned by my mom-in-law, some computers will not recognize the apostrophe. Hopefully, you don't all have to go through the apostrophe problems & it goes more smoothly than mine. Still waiting for a credit card company to re-issue a me a card because they made 'O' my middle initial & 'Brien' my last name. Sorry, that is not correct, try again!

To help you out, here are a list I created of places I had to change my name & the needed items to complete it. Hope it helps save you time & stress!
  • SS Card - Need Marriage Certificate, current address & license or passport
  • Driver’s License - Need SS Card
  • Work payroll & benefits
  • Federal Student Loans - need to mail copy of Marriage Certificate to: Sallie Mae Department of Education Loan Services PO Box 9635 Wilkes-Barre, PA 18773-9635
  • Car Loan - Car Title & Car Registration
  • Car & Home Insurance
  • Bank Information - Need SS card & visit in person to sign signature cards
  • Credit Card - contact customer service, sign into you account & email or call customer service and tell them what your old name was & what your new name is. They'll have you verify some security questions & then send your new card out within a week.
  • Utilities (Power & Water, Gas, TV, Internet) - contact customer service, many I was able to just e-mail & do the same as the credit cards
  • Doctor’s Offices - need new insurance card & ID to change
  • Dentists - need new insurance card & ID to change
  • Chiropractor - need new insurance card & ID to change
  • Pharmacies - need new insurance card & ID to change
  • Vet Clinic - you're pups name may change too!
  • Alumni Information - works easiest if you can sign-in to your online portal, otherwise call or email the alumni office
  • Social Media accounts
  • Online shopping accounts
  • email - set-up a new account & keep the old one alive, I have my old one forwarded to my new one & then I can respond via the new account & hope it changes people over
  • Library
  • YMCA/gym
  • Rewards Cards - Stores, Restaurants, Hotels, etc.
Adding the new email account has also helped me unsubscribe to lists I may be on because as they forward over, I am trying to make less email come through.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Wine Bottle Centerpieces

An idea was sparked, thanks to Pinterest, to make my own centerpieces. I wanted to be able to use something that could be recycled & like the tall look of wine bottles. So began the collection. I had friends alerting me every time they finished a bottle & teachers throwing boxes into my mom's car. We successfully made it passed 100 clear and green bottles with a couple months to spare. Then began the experiments with designs and label removing. And setting them on sliced up tree slabs, was a nice finish, because they came from my parents recently chopped down tree.

Label Removing
Not really an easy task, probably the longest step in this whole process. I started by literally just letting them soak in water and then scraping off the label and using Goo Gone. This took forever. Then my cousin saved me, without knowing it, by pinning a label removal solution.

It requires:
Hot water
Baking Soda

Prepare the hot water with dishsoap & then add in baking soda & vinegar to get the bubbling effect. Drop in the bottles and let them soak. Many of the labels came off quickly or with a little scraping. If any residue was left, I'd use Goo Gone and get the last of it.

This takes a bit, because the water gets inside, so let it dry over night before doing any decorating.

This was my favorite part, the tough stuff was done & I was free to create.

Glitter Bottles
These may sound like a glitter disaster that will leave glitter all around your house, but trust me this is not the case. They are very simple & add a nice pop to the collection.

Bottle of Pledge floor wax
Bottle of fine glitter

Step 1: Using Pledge floor wax squirt a good amount into the bottle & swirl it around. Make sure you get the entire bottle covered. *Make sure you don't shake it, you don't want bubbles!* Then dump the extra out into a plastic cup.

Step 2: Dump a lot glitter into the bottle & swirl it around until the entire inside is covered. Then dump the extra glitter out into a container.

It's that simple! And it's efficient, it only let's the amount of glitter it needs to cover the wet floor wax & then it dries pretty quickly.

At the wedding, these became a nice little source of light, we dropped in LED lights & they caused the bottles to glow.

Jute & Pearl Bottles
This design is nice because each one looks different, you can be more heavy on the jute at the beginning and end or you can be more heavy on the beads. This is yours to adjust.

Roll of Jute (I got the thinnest I could at the craft store)
Plastic pearl beads (with openings big enough for the jute you get)

Step 1: String the beads onto the jute. I did about 50 beads at a time. Do this before cutting it off the roll, so then you get keep going on the project without having to string on more beads.

Step 2: Knot the starting end of the jute & pull a bead up to the knot & glue it on to the bottle where you'd like to start the wrap. I always just put the hot glue on the bead, it had the most surface area & less of a chance me burning my finger when placing it on the bottle.

Step 3: Continue wrapping around the bottle, gluing a bead on at your desired frequency. I typically used 2-3 each time around the bottle. But how many you want is your choice.

Canvas & Lace Bottles
Easiest of them all, because you can buy this already put together on a roll at a craft store in the ribbon section.

Step 1: Cut the ribbon to the length you need it.

Step 2: Hot glue the end & wrap it around. Really doesn't take much more glue than just doing the 2 ends, plus you don't want it to push through the canvas, so keep in minimal.

One final note, to add a *pop* of color every once & a while I would wrap my wedding colored ribbon around the top, just so it looked a bit different on the tables. I also was able to get a JUMBO sized wine bottle for my head table which I glittered, wrapped in ribbon & then used the my Cricut to cut our a vinyl letter and made it a personalized decoration for us.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Emotional Rollercoaster

There are times in life you want to be selfish, to only think about yourself, because it's your day. In these times, God takes the chance to ground you and remind you there are others around you.

About 3 months before my wedding, I randomly called my grandma to tell her I was able to buy the shoes I wanted so badly for my wedding. Only to find out that she was heading out to follow the ambulance with my grandpa in it to Mason City. From there time blurs together, with trips to the hospital in Mason City, Spencer & the nursing home in Greene. Every chance I had to be at home also meant a trip to go sit with my grandpa, either to chat or watch a baseball game. Wedding tasks got pushed back and I was fine with that. Sure, I wanted it all to come together 'perfectly', but a new meaning to perfectly was created.

Greg and I spent Easter in Spencer mainly at the hospital & helping my grandma pack their house up and also get her wedding outfit figured out. Weeks before the wedding, he was moved to the nursing home, which we quickly decked out to make as homey as we could and I was hopeful we were on the path to improvements. Just a week before my wedding, I came to the realization that my grandpa would not be in attendance to my wedding. So began the brainstorms to how we could bring the wedding to him. Even days before the wedding we didn't know if he would be at the nursing home or hospital, but the limo driver was on board to take us where ever. The nail appointments were switched to Mason City, so I could stop and see him. Finding out the day before the wedding he would stay at the hospital during the wedding, I quickly came up with the plan to visit him after getting my hair done & before pictures. After early morning appointments, Leah & I drove to Mason City, snuck into an unused room & threw on our dresses so we could have a photo session with him. The smile we saw on his face was a great way to remember him.

Turns out they had discussed putting Grandpa on hospice, but decided to hold out until the day after the wedding and that's when they told me as well. The 2 days following the wedding I spent with my grandpa at the hospital, every time a nurse came in they'd ask if I were the bride and then say something about the situation, all I wanted to say 'was trust me there is no where else I'd rather be right now'. I spent my last day before heading back to work having a good conversation with Grandpa, gave him some wedding cake & introduced him to a caramel latte. And most importantly, I got his wedding advice. After 66 years of marriage, he said to me the best advice he could give me was 'Love your mate & believe in God'.

2 days later he passed away. I know, he had held on long enough to see me and let me celebrate my day. And I am beyond grateful that I was able to see him before and have him be a part of it. But now I know he has completed his journey on Earth and his at home with God watching over me.