Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Name Changing

So, if planning a wedding isn't stressful enough, when it's over you have to go through the name changing process. Everywhere has different rules & you have to get this before you get's a very annoying process, but you live on...with some name or another. However, in my case, I am adding an apostrophe too & that has been grueling. As I was warned by my mom-in-law, some computers will not recognize the apostrophe. Hopefully, you don't all have to go through the apostrophe problems & it goes more smoothly than mine. Still waiting for a credit card company to re-issue a me a card because they made 'O' my middle initial & 'Brien' my last name. Sorry, that is not correct, try again!

To help you out, here are a list I created of places I had to change my name & the needed items to complete it. Hope it helps save you time & stress!
  • SS Card - Need Marriage Certificate, current address & license or passport
  • Driver’s License - Need SS Card
  • Work payroll & benefits
  • Federal Student Loans - need to mail copy of Marriage Certificate to: Sallie Mae Department of Education Loan Services PO Box 9635 Wilkes-Barre, PA 18773-9635
  • Car Loan - Car Title & Car Registration
  • Car & Home Insurance
  • Bank Information - Need SS card & visit in person to sign signature cards
  • Credit Card - contact customer service, sign into you account & email or call customer service and tell them what your old name was & what your new name is. They'll have you verify some security questions & then send your new card out within a week.
  • Utilities (Power & Water, Gas, TV, Internet) - contact customer service, many I was able to just e-mail & do the same as the credit cards
  • Doctor’s Offices - need new insurance card & ID to change
  • Dentists - need new insurance card & ID to change
  • Chiropractor - need new insurance card & ID to change
  • Pharmacies - need new insurance card & ID to change
  • Vet Clinic - you're pups name may change too!
  • Alumni Information - works easiest if you can sign-in to your online portal, otherwise call or email the alumni office
  • Social Media accounts
  • Online shopping accounts
  • email - set-up a new account & keep the old one alive, I have my old one forwarded to my new one & then I can respond via the new account & hope it changes people over
  • Library
  • YMCA/gym
  • Rewards Cards - Stores, Restaurants, Hotels, etc.
Adding the new email account has also helped me unsubscribe to lists I may be on because as they forward over, I am trying to make less email come through.

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