Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Book Review: The Lucky One

The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks is the first book I have managed to finish in what seems like forever. It is definitely the longest Nicholas Sparks book I have read up to this point, but not a bad selection if you have time to read it. This book was another Goodwill find that I don't believe was read prior to me buying it, but I am not complaining because I only paid $4!

The story is told from the point-of-view of three main characters, who in the first few sections do not know each other but of course as the book continues on their lives become more entwined. Thibault is an ex-marine and walks across the country to discover his 'destiny' and find the person, Elizabeth, whom is his lucky charm in order to re-pay her. The town, Hampton, (there is even a shout-out to Hampton, Iowa) is run by the Clayton family, which becomes a problem for Thibault because Elizabeth used to be married to Keith a member of that family. The lives of Thibault, Elizabeth and Keith become more connected throughout the story and there is a struggle for power throughout. The end surprised me, but it still almost ended too happily ever after.

This wasn't my favorite Nicholas Sparks book by any means, but it wasn't bad enough to stop me from finishing.

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