Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sense of Calm

I took today off, because Saturday will be a horribly busy day with 2 soccer matches, a volleyball match and football game (and I also picked today, because I checked the weather and it was suppose to be the nicest day of the week! :) ). All at home and the soccer teams and football team use the same field so transitions between events will have to go smoothly and our student workers will have to be ready to gear up for each different event and get the needed equipment where it should be, but that is Saturday, not today.

Today, I slept in. By that I mean I made it until 7:30 and was able to roll-over and sleep until 9:00. My body doesn't sleep in well, it is use to a routine and it sticks to it, but it was nice not to have to set an alarm. After waking up I found my bike gear and headed off on a short 12-mile ride to Banks and back. I am getting used to riding solo on the roads here, but still get a little stressed when semis pass me and don't move over.

After my ride, I walked with Natalie to class and got a Quiznos sub and headed to the park. I enjoyed a little picnic in the park and soaked up the sun, the beautiful fall leaves and the warmth of the day. Then walked on and discovered the coffee shop of Forest Grove, it was very calming and I was able to read for over an hour before heading home. When I got home I opened all the windows and doors to let the beautiful weather soak into the house as I cleaned.

It was weird how calming I found today. I never turned on music or talked to anyone. I just soaked in the day, collected my thoughts and indulged in the story of my novel. I also had the feeling that right now I am where I am suppose to be, I don't know where I will be next year, but right now I am where I am suppose to be! It is a great feeling to have and I am grateful to be feeling it!

I hope everyone can have a day like this, a day to themselves to relax, collect their thoughts and realize they are blessed and know they are in the right spot!

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