Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Snow Day, Oregon Style

Waking up to a text message at 6:15 am wasn't that enjoyable, but when it says the school is closed due to a 'snow day' it's a bit more enjoyable. When I received it I went and found Chantel and Natalie and we took a look outside. And saw this: (Please note that there is grass peaking through in the yard)

However, after laughing at the thought of school being cancelled we all went back to bed. I got up again to get ready for work, because I didn't know if I still had to report or the protocol for the 'grown-up' world in the case of snow. I knew I could easily get there walking or driving. Heck, if we got this little of snow at home they wouldn't even let the snowplows out!

I didn't have to go to Pacific, but did head out to work for Landscape Concepts for a bit. I was starting to have cabin fever sitting inside the whole day and the roommates needed to study as well. Natalie headed to Eugene (a 3 hour drive) in the treacherous conditions to pick a friend. After she made it home safely (not that we were super worried) we had another good laugh at the fact that the school was closed and enjoyed our 'snow day' movie night.

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