Saturday, October 2, 2010

Book Review: Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas

Fiction again, sorry. Since the library failed me I haven't been back. My roommates and I were at Goodwill looking for a couch a while back and got sidetracked by the books the large book selection they had. For only $2 a piece we stocked up, why buy a book at full price when you can get them that cheap? And most didn't look like they were previously read!

Anyway, Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas is by James Patterson, a different author than I have been reading so I thought it was worth the purchase. I also have had people tell me it was pretty good. Thinking of James Patterson as an author makes me think more of murder mysteries, so I was a bit skeptical of this book.

After getting into it, I really started getting into the plot. It was suspenseful and I wasn't able to predict the end before it happened. It was also a very detail oriented and emotional book. I was almost to tears near the end! I don't want to say much about the plot because I think it would ruin the suspense for those of you who read it, but I definitely think it is worth a casual read!

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