Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Where has the Time Gone?

I am not really sure where the month of September went, but it went fast! And with very little in the adventure category. My roommates got into the full swing of optometry school and athletic events seemed to attack my schedule. But I can proudly say I made it through my first month as an SID and still enjoy it.

I believe I have started to get the hang of soccer language and that of course makes writing those stories easier each time. But when it comes to zero-zero ties, I lack words to explain the situation!

Golf on the other hand, you say how many strokes they shot in the round and how far over or under par they were and how the team did....and that's the whole story!

I am now starting swimming stories as well. At this point I only have sent out the preseason preview, but their competition starts this weekend. Which means I am going to have to start understanding swimming in about 48 hours from now!

My other sport of the winter will be's & women's....hmmm. Anyway it cannot be assumed I have seen wrestling just because I am from Iowa. I, in fact, don't really like wrestling. I don't understand it and I have never seen a match. Hope I can write a good story!

I have learned in this first month, if I act and think I can do something well, I can. I also have learned that I have more free time than I ever did as student-athlete. It's weird coming home after work and not having homework structure my day. I free read a lot, but even that gets annoying when you have read so many books in the past 4 months! I really don't want to become a TV bum, so if anyone has an idea to help me fill up some free time e-mail me suggestions. I have problems sitting still for long, I like to be active!

My tickets have been booked to get back to Iowa for the holidays. I will be flying in on December 14th and have bonding time with the family until I fly out on January 5th. It will be a great 3 weeks of Iowa snow and siblings' basketball games! I can't wait.

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