Friday, October 8, 2010

Gratefulness Challenge

I would like to issue a challenge to anyone who reads this. It is rather simple and I think you will find it to be rewarding. Try it for awhile, say until Thanksgiving, and I bet it will become part of your routine.

The challenge is this, grab a small notebook and keep it on your nightstand or a place you will see it each day. Then make it a point everyday to write something you are grateful for. Challenge yourself to come up with at least three a day, if you have more great write them down. At first it might seem a little awkward, bu as you get into it I think you will realize it will become easier and as you go through your day you will recognize things (tangible or intangible) you are grateful for.

Here is a little info I found about gratitude:

"Science tells us that an "attitude of gratitude" is a good health choice. Being more grateful more often makes us happier and more optimistic. But gratitude also adds to the bottom line - in very real ways. And the best news about gratitude is that it requires little time and no money."

Here are five reasons gratitude improves your life:

1. Gratitude reduces negativity
- When you realize what you are grateful for you can see more positives in a situation.

2. Gratitude helps us learn.
- See the silver-lining, every problem has an opportunity for us to learn.

3. Gratitude improves relationships.
- Let people know how grateful you are for them being in your life and what they do.

4. Gratitude attracts what we want.
- When you are conscious of the blessings in your life, you attract more the same thing.

5. Gratitude improves problem solving skills.
- You will enter a situation with a perspective of improvement & opportunity rather than challenge.

There is so much to be grateful for, just take the challenge and you will notice the gifts you have been given in your life!

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